Empires of the Saracens in High Medieval Literature, September 27

HUMCWL Reasearch Colloquium

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Event Time 04:00 p.m. - 05:30 p.m. PT
Location HUM 485 and Zoom
Contact Email


Shirin Khanmohamadi, "Empires of the Saracens in High Medieval Literature"

Join the HUM/CWL faculty and MA students to hear Professor Shirin Khanmohamadi talk about her book-in-progress!

The event will be held HUM 485, and on zoom at https://sfsu.zoom.us/j/82459109749?pwd=OEpOdmZ1c0VrMkVaVTdtVFoydGMzZz09.

Empires of the Saracens in High Medieval Literature, September 27

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